Here we are in the URL management section. Here you can add, edit, publish, lock deletion, delete, export and block rewrite for each URL.



Duplicated URLs Management
As we mentioned in Configuration section here you can manage same URLs. As you can see in the screen above 3 same URLs are marked. In the Used column one of them has a tick and others x. This means that this Real URL will be used for this SEF URL. As you can see is too simple to manage duplicated URLs considering the hard work of sh404SEF component (JoomSEF doesnt have this future).

This is also one of the futures that only AceSEF has. You can your important URLs to be locked even from deletion or purge actions.

Another AceSEF’s great and unique function. If you have a single URL that you dont want to be SEF rewrited you check that column and the URL will be showed as Real URL. Later you can switch to SEF again.

Editing URLs

In the Main tab you can edit the URL or set all options you can set from URL Repository.



In the SEO tab you can set manually meta tags for this URL. As you can see AceSEF has generated automatic meta tags for us  ;)